China 2017

Diplomatic incident

On our flight to Chongqing we encounter a rather cocky individual, trousers unfastened, feet stretched out in the gangway with his mobile phone on constantly during the flight even though the cabin crew had made many announcements that mobile phones should be turned off for the duration of the flight. My fellow traveller let it pass for the majority of the flight, but when the cabin crew were preparing for landing going up and down the cabin he was surreptitiously secreting his device between his trouser leg and the seat to his side, only to bring it out again when they went passed. My companion’s gander was well and truly up and she turned into angry lady mode, making gestures to him to turn his phone off. He closed the video application he was using and left it switched on at the password screen. Angry lady told him with no ambiguity and without any translation being required that the phone should be off. I waved the safety information card to reinforce the rule. He took the point and finally switched it off. Other passengers who were able to see the event seemed to take our point of view, the passenger next to my fellow traveller even giving the thumbs up.

One thought on “Diplomatic incident

  1. Sue Barker

    Well done fellow traveller. He is probably just one of many who think ‘nobody is going to tell me what to do’. You go girl!

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